Soft Structures: The soft shell, carry all bag

Initial concept

I have a cat who is constantly gaining weight and hates his pet carry bag, so I decided to design a carrying bag for him that can both express my personal aesthetic and also functional. I want to incorporate the idea of “stuffed animals” to add some whimsical style to the bag while keeping the overall structure simple, so I aimed my materials for fur and canvas.


While creating my mood board, I was inspired by the original shape of my cats’ body, so I made the decision of turning the bag into an actual cat shape, which I would add stuffed feet and tail to imitate the cat’s body. When the cat peeks out of the bag from the front of the bag, his head would complete the the whole image.


Development drawing

Paper model

Fabric swatches

Pattern making

Finished bag


I am actually very satisfied with the finished product, because I have learn so much about the foundation sewing techniques and also the structures of different 3 Dimensional objects. Since this is my first time constructing a bag, I encountered several difficulties, mainly are the insertion of gusset and also making everything clean and straight. I have such a clumsy and messy personality, so I sometimes don’t spend enough time on cleaning up details, however after this project I learned the proper way to make straight lines and sharp angles by ironing and planning out everything ahead. I am glad that I pulled this through and gained valuable experience on sewing. Most importantly,  I hope my cat loves it.

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