Project 1 – Wire and Felt: Two Opposites in Harmony

Felt and Wire both were materials I had worked with before, so I had a good sense of the different possible physical manipulation of them. But I never considered the additional senses I could put people into by manipulating the scale. For example, the way felt seatings feel compared to roofing made with felt is quite different and gives a totally different experience.

The feel, the touch, and the experience given with the material were the three things I considered.


These are the three scale manipulation for the first material which was folding felt. The three different scales, one being the size of a hand, second the size of the human body, and lastly the size that takes up the whole room or space. This intertwined folded piece of felt, working as a removable wall hanging, as a place to sit giving some private space due to how it is arranged, and lastly as a passageway where the material is heavily thick giving a quiet sensory experience of a person walking through it.

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Next, these were the three scale manipulations for Wire, with suspension. With the use of the daylight, I wanted to show the play of light and shadow with this particular material in the space.

Fist iteration was the seating area, really focusing on the suspension of the material and how it could be used as a form of direct interaction with the human. Second is the wall hanging a piece that plays with the lighting and shadows, and lastly, the actual human size wire sculpture where people get the light and shadow experience but different from the felt piece, it’s more of an open space airy type of experience.

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These are the journey photos through the space by a human perspective. The photos go from the view from the entrance, then turning towards the tunnel with the view of the top floors.

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Here are the different times, days of the year which I thought was important to note. Because the sun mainly casted upon this corner of the room, I intentionally put the wire piece and decided to see the different manipulation of shadows and light it created.

Left (Summer Solstice 10 AM)  – Right (Summer Solstice 14h [2pm])


May-July 12 o’clock

Equinox 10 AM



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