Int. Studio Bridge Project #3: Final Audio+ Image


My teammates and I have decided to use the color “white” to symbolize confusion, blanking out, and peace. Each of us tell a story of hardship and conflict that transformed us. Some of ours have stories and sounds of our cultural backgrounds and how the color “white” represents a fresh start or a new perspective. In my piece I decided to focus the color to my mental conscience. I tried to use sounds to visualize what it would be like to be confused as to my cultural identity. I explain how I associate myself with both Hong Kong and South Korea and never one over the other. I cannot tell people that I am from South Korea because it is eminently not true as I have never lived in South Korea.  Hong Kong is a very diverse place and South Korea is very unified in terms of culture. Therefore I am an “international” student as I have understood and learned about other cultures as well. The color white to me represents the confused state as to my identity, a blank slate or a canvas because I am everything and everywhere.

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