Noshin Nisa

Assignment 1 

  1. Huggable 
This is a project by MIT media lab where they use this robot called huggable’ as a companion for children who suffer from cancer. The idea is to make them have light conversations and make the process more fun. For my projects I would like to work in the domain of children and robotics can help them. 
  1. Nauto
In this project, they use different sensors to anticipate the situation around smart cars and provide feedback on either driving or direction. For my projects with an autonomous vehicle, I want to do something similar but smarter where the car itself will becomes an assistant for the driver and anticipate their needs without direct communication. 
  1. mBot
This is a robot that can be assembled by children very easily. They can also program the robot to be however they want. I am interested in children’s education and robotics and I want to create something similar where the focus is more given on the analytical part of the project. 
  1. Origami Robot 
This bot is another project by MIT, where it is controlled using magnetic fields. This robot has a high potential and can be used for multiple domains starting from education to biomedical. the concept of the robot to be agile and eco-friendly is my inspiration from it. 
  1. Little Bits 
One of the easiest ways of learning about robotics is through little bits. It fun, colorful and encouraging. It allows people to mix and max and experiment with their ideas. In my project where regarding children’s education, I want to build something similar. 

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