Assignment 1

Miguel Chevalier –  light sculputre, architecture – EL ORIGEN DEL MUNDO 2013

I really like this project and think it is very amazing. The facade of the building can change easily without any complicated construction.  And it is much easier to change from one design to another than real construction. The dazzling patterns on the facade of the ancient building can create a unique perception of the ancient aesthetics integrated with the modern digital aesthetics.


i Yoshida et al – Funbrella: Making Rain Fun

I think this project is really fun and innovative in the sense that it creates the perception of rain without any real rain drop. It creates the perception of rain through vibration and other senses such as sounds, sights, and smells. I can image it will be a super unique experience and focus on the perception of vibration.


Marenka Deenstra, Jonathan den Breejen – Pingpongpixel

This project is very innovative in the way that it has used a very unique interactive display. Also, I think it has amplified the conception of pixel. The ping pong balls are simulating pixels. It will give the viewers strong sense of pixels which might be not that familiar to most ordinary people. And hence the display system is not luminescent, it has turned the digital into physical. As nowadays digital is so dominant in our life, this project has brought how we view images back to the physical world.


Kaffee Matthews,Annette Works  – Music for Bodies,  sonic furniture

I like this project because it can provide users a brand new way to experience music. It has provided physical perception to music, which is usually only experienced by sense of hearing. Users’ whole body will also be enjoying the music, which will make the whole experience more immersive. This project definitely enhances the listening and enjoyment of music.


lmar Trefz – wave pillow

This project provides a very innovative way to tell the waves for surfs, which is surprisingly through a pillow. It has demonstrated how data or information can be displayed in new and innovative forms, except just screens, instead in physical. And I feel physical computing can definitely push the current digital dominant world back to the physical world that can provide more immersive experience.

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