Assignment 1

I am interested in physical computing because I want to understand and develop user experiences that integrate imagery, music and games. While in this class I hope to develop a wearable solution that can assist patients in the medical field and look forward to the journey this course will take me on.

Project Title: Trackmate

Concept: Tracking system

Technology / Tools Used: LusidOSC-based application, Portable Plexi Cliffhanger

Impact of the piece: Allows the user to emerge themselves into and experience using sound and shapes

How this relates to my own interests: I like hearing about the journeys people have taken in life. I would apply this project by tracking objects to discover where they are and the journey the have taken

Project Title: LightForm / ECAL

Concept: Animated interaction

Technology / Tools Used: integrated projector and infrared sensing

Impact of the piece: Allows the user to emerge themselves into and experience using sound and shapes

How this relates to my own interests: I love the idea of creating an installation that combines abstract shapes and incorporating sound.

Project Title: Tactum

Concept: Augmented modeling tool

Technology / Tools Used: projection mapping to detect and display touch gestures on the skin

Impact of the piece: Allows the user to design their own jewelry

How this relates to my own interests: This tool allows a new way to contribute to the craft community in an interactive way.

Project Title: A VR “glove” inspired by ender’s game

Concept: wireless controller that is described as a “hand bracelet”

Technology / Tools Used: leap motion controller, audrino pro micro

Impact of the piece: The virtual experience emerges the user into a
game or what game or product the developer has created

How this relates to my own interests: I would love to create an immersive experience
where the user is underwater and playing with the animals of the sea

Project Title: Wearable augmented ego

Concept: Animated interaction

Technology / Tools Used: Space glasses – meta-sensor,
Photographic/Videographic gesture sensing and Veillance

Impact of the piece: This is a bold interactive piece.

How this relates to my own interests: I love concepts that give
the user full control of an element that floats in negative space.

Project Title: Jeopardy Game Controller using sounds an buzzers

Concept: Quiz Game

Technology / Tools Used: sounds buzzers, phone jacks, reed relays, hookup wire

Impact of the piece: A person can use this to create a game fun show.

How this relates to my own interests: I would love to
create a vintage music game show using 1980’s hip hop music

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