week 5: vocabulary and lesson reflection – seeing value, contrast, emphasis and negative space in the world around you

In your Sketchbook/Journal create the following entries:

  1. On the left hand side of your sketchbook/journal do the following writing exercise: using the new vocabulary (in blue above) from class, write a short paragraph describing what you did in class.  Answer these questions: what did you notice while you were working with ink and brush?  What was the most challenging part of working with the ink?  What part of your painting did you enjoy doing the most?
  2. On the right  side of your journal entry for this week … find examples of contrastemphasis, value and negative space in advertisements from a magazine or newspaper, or from the internet, printed and cut out. Or, you can do thumbnail sketches that demonstrate the same vocabulary words. If you use found images, glue these examples in your journal and write a short sentence for each vocabulary word explaining where you see them in the advertisement.

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