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Assignment #2 Space+Materiality

http://https (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.://www.ted.com/talks/ross_lovegrove_shares_organic_designs (Links to an external site.)

It is was great to listen to these ted talks but this one by Ross Lovegrove was the one I enjoyed the most. I really like to utilise waste material in my art work. Born to a family where half of the people in agriculture and the other half are into furniture and other products. Agriculture was one of my favorite things to do as a chid. It is lovely to see how this designer combined nature with his art work. Since I listened to his talk I have had various ideas in my mind.Some points and concepts that he discussed are worth emphasizing, the concept of “DNA” which stands for Design Nature Art caught me. The reason I liked this concept is, that this concept has brought the three most expressive things in the world together Design, Nature & Art. Giving an example from the presentation he showed during the talk, there was a chair which was made by something which resembled the human bones. The joints were just like the joints of our bones. Designers like Ross help us think more and encourage aspiring designers like us to walk out of our comfort zones.

http://https (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.://www.ted.com/talks/paola_antonelli_treats_design_as_art (Links to an external site.)

Paola Antonelli is a design curator at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. She talks about seeing design in everything and all parts of life. She emphasized that people are confused between design and decoration. She gives examples of the work of many different artists to explain to us the real meaning of design. Paola also threw some light on the commonness between science and design.Her talk changed my way of thinking about design as at one point I also thought the design in nothing more than decoration. . It has ideas and meaning behind it and it was created to fulfil or solve a particular need.

http://https (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.://www.ted.com/talks/alice_rawsthorn_pirates_nurses_and_other_rebel_designers (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Alice Rawsthorn made a statement which I felt meant much more than it was meant to, she said that “Design starts with dreams”. And then I realized that the more I dreamt about a piece while I was making my portfolio the better the piece was made. Especially when I am stuck on a product or sculpture I was think that why am I facing the problem and every time I spend time focusing about that problem I am able to make something which almost changed the product. This talk has in a way confirmed me that what I used to do was somewhat the right way. Alice talks about the courage and dedication of some of the artists which had led them to their success. This talk definitely inspired me to take risks and never give up because a small dream or ‘thinking over it’ can lead ton a big innovation.


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