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Peer-to-Peer: Merge Portrait

From my peer interview with my partner Raina, I was able to relate to her in many ways. As we are both settling in a foreign country far away from home, we are able to converse and find similarities in our experiences. Our interview began with light conversations about the weather differences in our home countries. Although weather in Raina’s country has a significantly warmer weather than it is in New York while my home does not, I have never experienced cold weather that is this intense. We both shared our struggles with the weather and how we missed the weather back home. In New York, we also find ourselves adjusting to the hectic and rapid life as well as work ethic. Raina expressed the comparison of life quality in terms of speed and efficiency, where Jakarta can be deemed to be slower than New York. She mentioned the intense traffic jams in Jakarta, which is also something regular in India. This condition has often block productivity, fast movement, and effective work ethic in Jakarta.

Rough Sketches 

These are some of the stickers which Raina pasted on her face.


This assignment we tried to show the cultural shocks of coming to a completely new place. I am wearing semi traditional clothes whereas Raina my team mate is wearing absolutely western clothes. She has stickers on her face which depict the new things we saw here. My face has an Indonesian textile design. The OM on my throat is a really deep symbol int represents my religious believes as well as the power of it placed on my throat.

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