This week I repaired a kitchen plate my room mate dropped while making dinner. I gathered all the pieces and used super glue to combine them. I decided that this plate was no longer of use in the kitchen “area” so I brainstormed on ways to recreate this plate.

I went to Strand bookstore and gathered CD’s that they were throwing out. I cut them up and made a mosaic design out of these CD’s. This repair cost me nothing and only took 90 minutes to make.


I really enjoyed this project because I learned that we don’t always need to throw an item away and replace it if its broken… we can create another use out of it. I like how this plate now has a new function and design element to it as it is now used as a jewelry holder in my dorm room.


I also really enjoyed the critique we did in our class because it was really cool to see all the new ideas and inventions my classmates were able to come up with.


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