BRIDGE 5 Reflection and Moving Ahead: Portfolio

I learned a lot about New York City during the progression of Bridge 4. I now live in one of the most progressive epicenter’s of the world and working on a project like the AIDS memorial park has put in perspective how important it is to stay up to date with current events and be aware of how history shapes the present and the future. Through all the research I have done, and all the things I have learned about the stigma and oppression that relate to AIDS,  this project has inspired me to be more active and have a voice for the things I believe in.

During the course of this semester I learned a lot of things I never expected myself to. I never pictured myself forming thesis ideas about why monuments are politically and socially incorrect or even acknowledging that 21st century monuments are completely unnecessary. I learned a lot about the “fake” in our life. As I go through my everyday notions I have never questioned the ‘fakeness’ of places, experiences,media, and memories. This course has taught me how to be a critical thinker and consider all the factors whether it be a scandal in the news a movie I am watching.

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