Bridge 1: Process Documentation February 2019

I chose to observe and question The Architecture sculpture at One Union Square. I didn’t really have an initial question pertaining to what I studied in USQ to tie to my art work. For my art process it was all about observing the environment that the architecture was in and observing the emotions I felt while doing that. Then once I have identified those emotions, turning them into art.

My first feeling was loneliness. I noted this in my journal. Although I was surrounded by hudnreds of people in Union Square I felt lonely. I portrayed this by creating 3 large triangles and one small one to show how small and distant I felt. For each piece I referred to my journal for the remaining five words I felt in Union Square while observing and I figured out a way to portray those with simple lines. I chose to use simple white paper and black acrylic paint as my medium because I wanted to keep this as simple as possible and focus on the negative space as well as the shapes.



2. Peace

3. Overwhelmed

4. Isolation

5. Hectic


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