Birds of a Feather Video Response – 03/05/19


  1. What is cubism exactly?
  2. Is Gris the first major cubist artist? If not, then who is?
  3. She says in the video that Cornell had already an established career before his breakthrough with cubism, so what was he initially known for?
  4. What is the point of these Shadow Boxes? How long do they take to make?
  5. What are the qualities of cubist art? Why isn’t it just called 3-D art? What does cubism art have to have in order to make it so?



  1. Cubism is “an early 20th-century style and movement in art, especially painting, in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and use was made of simple geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and, later, collage.” according t0 the MET.
  2. According to Picasso and Barque are the largest cubist artists.
  3. Initially, Cornell was a sculptor.
  4. In essence, a shadow box is a case with a transparent front that displays something. I learned through my research that it is all about what you display in them and how you use the 3-Dimensional space inside them.
  5. “In Cubist artwork, objects are analyzed, broken up and reassembled in an abstracted form—instead of depicting objects from a single viewpoint, the artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context.”


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