Thankful – Michelangelo

As I sat and reflected I thought about how thankful I am to have great relationships in my life. Yesterday my friends and family (although they aren’t in the city) made a huge effort to make my birthday special. It’s all the small things I sat and thought about like cards, messages, and everyone getting together for a meal that means so much more to me now than it did when I was in high school living under my parents roof. I am not sure why but in terms of art I connected this to Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel painting.


“Michelangelo was without doubt one of the most inspirational and talented artists in modern history. During his life, the western world underwent what was perhaps the most remarkable period of change since the decline of the Roman Empire. The Renaissance saw changes in all aspects of life and culture, with dramatic reforms sweeping through the worlds of religion, politics, and scientific belief. Michelangelo was one of the most fervent advocates of this exciting new philosophy, working with a remarkable energy that was mirrored by contemporary society. One of the leading lights of the Italian Renaissance, his extraordinary talents emerged in early works such as the Pieta for the Vatican, and the statue of David commissioned for the city of Florence. His paintings and frescoes were largely taken from mythological and classical sources works. He manage to combine his high level of technical competence and his rich artistic imagination to produce the perfect High-Renaissance blend of aesthetic harmony and anatomical accuracy in his works. ”


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