Tell it to the wire: an anonymous secret exchange

Communication is an human interaction often overlooked by people who enjoys the convenience of technology and social media. Before texting, people called when they need to talk to someone; before telephones, people wrote letters and so on. As our technology developes, especially among the younger generation, people are becoming more depent on the connection on-line than in reality. Communicating verbally or through analogue writing is being taken over by texting and social media posts. 

        We started off with the idea of commemorating letter-writing, something that the new generation is no longer familiar with. However, as our thoughts develop, the idea of bringing back the cup phone toy appears. Through experiencing with the cup phones, we discovered that it’s possible to connect multiple paper cups through strings and the audio would transport clearly to the rest of the cups. With this discovery, we designed a cup phone excercice with anonymous secret exchange.


This will allow everyone in the class to participate. The basic rule of this game is that each person writes a secret, the secrets get distributed back randomly; each person will then read their random secret through the cup phone to 6 other people and the listeners will write responses. Our group will then use the class break time to make all the secrets and responses into a booklet for people to read. 

Link to the booklet: TellIitToTheWire-1p9rxrj

        Through this exercise, we want to bring back verbal and written communication while building trust and compassion between members of this class. 

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