‘Selfie-As-Construct’ Collage Challenge

We were asked to make 6 collages each week for 3 weeks with the three themes – “social media, products, environment”. Each set should serve as a selfie or a reflection of ourselves.


#1 Social Media

Even though it connects us without physically being next to each other, social media could disconnect users’ relationship in reality. It’s taking away some of our social skills as we keep taking the easy way out by texting instead of talking face to face.  The awkward situation of talking to someone on Instagram but much less in real life has happened to me multiple times. Therefore, in this set of collage, I used photos of 6 people who I know and talk to on Instagram but are awkward when met in real life. Mosaic is added onto their profile and our chat history meaning my encounter with them almost only exist in an online platform.


#2 Products

The second set of collage are patterns made with 6 of my regular drinks and the objects, people or activities related to each drink.


For presentation, I mounted each pattern on watercolor paper and hanged them with strings going through each pattern.


#3 Environments

The last set of collage shows 6 environments that are personal to me : 2 in Syracuse, NY, 2 in Guangzhou, China,  2 in the area of China that I backpacked (Beijing and western cities). I went through my entire photography archive of 1000k+ photos to select only the ones that are relevant and collaged the elements manually with cut out paper. Each environment has people, landscape and objects to produce a scenery.

Final Product

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