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Draft of creative brief

I have been away from my home since 13 years old, jumping into the boarding school in the different country and different culture for over 7 years. I learned to communicate and understand the culture to make it my own to develop idea and understanding of the people from different background. I think one of my strength is being able to understand others and making it part of me. Also, I have been seeing Japan and Japanese culture from outside and also from inside. Being able to see the culture inside out made me understand the weakness and strength of certain Japanese culture. As Japanese, I believe in Japanese culture. I strongly believe to expand Japanese culture, technology is what we need to explore. We all live in the technology world right now which means digital aspects have capacity to expand the idea of art and how audience experience the art. Art has been about the relationship between the artist to physical materials to viewers and something that once made and would be unchangeable other than decaying throughout time. But with digital art, artists can explore and represent them self freely not tied to the physical world. Digital technology could expand the space freely so it is possible to manipulate the space and send an idea and message of the artwork more directly to the audience as an experience. For me to get to that belief, my high school experience is unspeakable. I joined technical theater and experience how people in the theater represent themselves though character, set, lights, and sound. It was a space that makes such a large impact on audiences. It was Also the people I met in the theater. I learned how to love myself, how to love other and how to be thankful to everything that happened to me.

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