Mark Making and Diptych

The first project we did the semester was the Mark Making Grid. We created three separate pages of grids each with a different media (Pencil and Charcoal, Ink, and Collage). Each page was an experimentation with different medias and with the principles and elements of design.

My favorite Mark Making page was the collage page. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to incorporate it into the next project. The second project was the Diptych. I chose to contrast the concepts of Life an Death. The Mark Making grids were really helpful of this project. Some of the techniques that I had experimented with in the grids, I used in the diptych.

I really liked the diptych project, it was very interesting to me. In the future I would like to create another project that is similar but that coveys several different ideas other than life and death.



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