The Relational Human Figure: Long Lost Found

These are several drawings that I made from observation while I was on my walk.

My walk started out like any other Saturday. I walked to Union Square with my friend Camey. Along the way we stopped in several stores just to look and window shop. We were headed to the Oculus to take some pictures for one of his projects. After we took picture in the Oculus we ended up at the 9/11 memorial. We started walking we decided to go get ice cream (even though it was 30 degrees). Somewhere along the way we got distracted by City Hall Park. In the middle of the park there was a fountain that had icicles that were forming on the bottoms and the sides. There was a thick layer of ice on the “railing” around the fountain. At this point we were both very cold and decided to warm up with a hot coffee. As we were walking to find a place to get coffee, we passed by this beautiful building. In front of the building, there was a woman sitting on a bench surrounded by pigeons. We finally found a Starbucks to get a latte and then we walked back to the subway.

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