Assignment #7 (Studio)

Ted Talk “The Beauty of Data Visualization”

A landscape or map of information. “Data is the new soil.” A fertile creative medium.

I found the break up graph to be both comical and interesting because of the way that the speaker presented it. The eye is very sensitive to patterns and variations on color, it is beautiful. This idea is a pretty basic idea especially to art students but it is something that I’ve never heard out into words in this way. He refers to this being “the language of the eye” which I found tube very interesting. Data visualization is about combining the language fo the eye with the language of the mind which is words and number to create a visualization of data.

I also found the idea of relative figure to be interesting and helpful because if you’re looking a budgets it might seem that one country or organization has the biggest budget and while that may be true purely based on numbers, other countries might have bigger budgets based on the size of their whole.

The purpose of watching this was to learn more about data visualization and how it can be the mot helpful.

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