Bridge 1 Reflection

For Bridge 1 I was in charge of creating the mood board. For the model we were using mirrors or paper that resembled mirrors and I wanted to incorporate that into the mood board so that they would look cohesive. I wanted the board to look simple and clean and I wanted to stick with a white color scheme. I chose several architectural images that I felt conveyed the feeling of solitude that we wanted to create. I added strokes of white paint to add an extra element that would fill some of the blank space. 

Solitude (Press Review)

As I stepped foot into the space I was greeted with the somewhat distorted image of myself. The space was filled with mirrors that were set up in the pattern of a maze. I figured that I needed to make my way through the maze to get to the end. So, I started wandering though trying to find my way. At every dead end I grew a little more frustrated and started to feel more and more alone. After I finally made it through the maze I came to a room. It was dark, pitch black actually. As I was fumbling through the dark trying to find my way out, two screens, on either side of me lit up with the images of groups of people hanging out and having fun together. I was suddenly aware of the fact that I am all alone in this space. I sat and watched the screens for what seemed like an hour but in reality, was probably only about 10 minutes and I just sat in silence, in solitude and reflected on my life and the things going on around me.

I got up and found my way out of the dark room into another maze that was the same as before but this time it was different. I did not feel hopelessly alone. As I was walking through I knew that I was alone and I was comforted by the solitude that was created for me in this space. When I looked in the mirrors I didn’t see the mistakes and the doubt and the comparison of my elf to others around me. The mirrors reflected me. They reflected the good in my life and showed me that being in solitude can be a good thing.

This installation opened my eyes and opened my way narrow minded way of thinking. With social media these days we are so wrapped up with what people are saying or thinking about us that we don’t take time to look in the mirror at ourselves.

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