Assignment #19 (Studio)

The Design Process

Chapter 2 & 3


“Designers need to identify what the design needs in a coherent way and what its limits are.”

The beginning of chapter two discussed constraints of a project. I believe that a good designer can work within the constrains and create something amazing for the client no matter what the constraints.

Inherent constraints are those directly contributing to the essential character of the object being designed. (i.e. a clock needs to tell time, a spoon need to have a handle and some sort of small bowl). Ask yourself if the object would lose its essential nature if a certain aspect were removed.

Imposed constraints are characteristics of an objects desired design that are not essential to its existence.

Constraints are determined by the needs or wants of the end user, designer, or fabricator.


Stage 3 of the Design Process is conceptualization.

During this stage you can make sustainability an inherent constraint. Consider materials, functionality, reusability…

Gestalt Perception.

“Implying that an unfinished object is pregnant with information.” Pattern recognition goes with the idea of the Law of Continuity. Your mind sees the pattern and recognizes it and finished it for you.

Brainstorming. Record everything, write down notes or record your voice. Make small sketches of ideas so that you will have an abundance of them.

Concept maps similar to mind mapping. Visual sketching/visual notes.

SCAMPER: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Minimize/Magnify, Put to other uses, Eliminate/ Elaborate, Reverse/ Rearrange.

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