Integrative Studio 7 Days of Drawing

For this assignment we were told to pick two sets of rules and make a piece following each of the constraints every day for a week straight. For my two rules I decided to pick both to be observational drawings of things around my room, one set drawn as detailed as possible with pencil, and the next a 1 line drawing with pen. I don’t really draw so I wanted to for this, so that I could be forced to do a medium that would make me uncomfortable and I could learn from it. Originally, I wanted to draw one set detailed then embroider the object for the next set. I was hesitant to do so, but for the first day I gave it a try. The embroidery piece took me 3 hours to complete, so I decided that it wouldn’t be best to continue on with for the rest of this assignment. Following the 7 days, I realized that my drawing skills aren’t as bad as I thought that they were. In the critique I got feedback that shocked me, as I wasn’t that confident in my drawings. I was surprised and really happy to hear that the class liked them and thought that they had a unique style. Going on from this, I’d like to start drawing a little more and hopefully become more confident in my drawing ability.


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