[Bridge 3] Grand Central Observation

What first popped in my mind at the moment I landed on Grand Central was that everything seemed so  similar with the express bus terminal in Gangnam, where I am from. The route I walked – from subway to the main concourse – looked so familiar, except that the architecture of the Grand Central looked way more antique.

loc-4 loc-5

My and my group settled between of the 23 TRACK and NORTHEAST PASSAGE & ELEVATOR

like this


Although right where we were sitting at was pretty quite, we could see a lot from that spot – I could see the overall view of the main concourse, tourists taking picture from the top of the stairs, people walking through the passage and so on.

Unlike in Korea’s express bus terminal where we can find almost no tourists who came to observe the terminal itself, there seemed to be many people who visited Grand Central just in order to be there. There were people drawing, taking photos of, and observing the station all around me. Because of that, I felt as if the tourists are also a huge part that consists the busy-ness of Grand Central, and it even helped me think myself as one of them.

The overall scenery of the Grand Central was actually almost exactly same as what I expected. People who all looked so different rushed with their luggages, walked around the station at a fast pace, and rested by the staircases. The size of the station and the look it had (I saw it a lot from different movies and photographs) made me mesmerized when I first arrived at Grand Central. However as I observed the people around me for longer time, I thought that every human society may essentially have a similar form.


Click and see this if you want to – its just a 4 sec video of what I saw from the point where I observed the Grand Central


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