Time Frame Project

This is the brief Sofia gave me. We all decided to exchange lists of thing we like and make a form of collage to make a portrait and she provided me a very thorough list!

This is a first draft of my project for Sofia. Based on the brief she gave me, I created a collage to depict the things I felt were the most prominent and significant to her personality on the list. The was the result. I used a red background for aesthetic and symbolic reason, as Sofia loves the color red but the warm color also embodies her spirit and passion. The images overlayed the red are images I found relating to her list. I arranged them to look aesthetically pleasing, as Sofia values aesthetics greatly.

This is a detail of my final project. This is the first image I photoshopped into her new account. I used a lilac background as it stays in the family of warm colors that embody Sofia. Lilac is soft and beautiful, much like Sofias features which is what I first noticed about Sofia. Her hair is straight and smooth, her skin is clear, she has long sleek eyelashes, she has a soft and delicate nose. This initial impression reflects in lilac to me. The ear and necklaces on top are also some of the first details I noticed on Sofia. She loves delicate, gold jewelry and always has many gold necklaces and earring on. This first image reflects Sophia’s outermost qualities.

This is a detail of my final project. This is the second photo noticed in the series. As the photos create a gradient, a used a deeper and warmer purple as a background. The background is this shade to transition from the lilac to the red and reflects second things I noticed about Sofias personality. It has her favorite clothing brand depicted, as her clothes were the second thing I noticed.

This is a detail from my final project. This is the third piece in the series. The background is slightly closer to red than the second image, but is still in the purple family. This depicts an album cover from Sofias favorite singer. This reflects a somewhat superficial aspect of Sofia, like music she plays in her apartment.

This is a detail of my final project. I used a red background for aesthetic and symbolic reason, as Sofia loves the color red but the warm color also embodies her spirit and passion. Sofia is so passionate and loving so I wanted lip imagery. She also loves red lipstick and neon lights so I wanted to include this imagery in the final piece. I put this in the middle of the gradient because it represents the core of Sofia’s personality and a detail you have to know her well to notice. Knowing she likes red lipstick and neon lights is not something someone would know from first meeting Sofia, its something learned after multiple encounters with her.

This is a detail of my final project. I used photoshop to edit the image of a sacred Mexican tin heart onto a red background. I used red because it represents the passion at the core of Sofia’s personality, much like a heart is the center of the body. I used a red background also for aesthetic and symbolic reasons, as Sofia loves the color red but the warm color also embodies her spirit and passion. I used this specific decoration because Sofia loves to use these as decorations and has dozens of them in her home in Italy. It is an object that is very meaningful to her, and that is also something Sofia aesthetically enjoys.

This is a detail of my final project. I used a red background for aesthetic and symbolic reason, as Sofia loves the color red but the warm color also embodies her spirit and passion. I overlaid the Comme des Garcons logo on top for multiple reasons. Sofia has this logo on her phone case, which is always with her. She is very romantic, which is why the logo is fitting. She also loves the brand itself. Because the image is multifaceted for Sofia, I chose to put it in the central row of the image and repeat it many times, as it is repeated in her personality.

This is a detail of my final project. I started to transition from red into yellow to reflect Sofia’s positive outlook. Since this is between the red and yellow, i used an orange background. I overlaid other details of her personality that are less know like her favorite movie, Amelie, and one of her favorite patterns, African tribal print.

This is a detail of my final project. The background is orange to transition from red to yellow, like the last detail. I overlaid images of her grandparents home in Italy in polaroid form. I did this later in the oder as well because it is a lesser know detail that her grand parents live in this town. I also used polaroids because she loves polaroids and even has a wall of them in her room in Italy!

This is a detail of my final project. It is the last in the 9 photos. The background reflects Sofia’s positive outlook. It has an overlaid image of Frida’s artwork, who is one of her favorite artists.

This is the final project. I manipulated Sofia’s actual Instagram profile to contain images that reflect her personality. I decided to use her Instagram, as the depiction I created of Sofia is very specific to her now and the image she projects into the world, similar to her Instagram account.

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