Paper Manipulation: Wishing Dandelion

Mingrui and I worked together to make our project, Wishing Dandelion.

Our original idea was to make a bag inspired by the bags from the brand Marni.

We started to plan to make a bag similar to theirs, but we found moving paper art that inspired us more. This art consisted of moving geometric pieces that transform to make different shapes or animals.

(click to view)

Inspired by this, we moved forward with the idea of creating something that moves. We also looked at an Ikea light which reminded us of a dandelion.

We decided to make something that resembles an un-bloomed dandelion.



We were inspired by the specific shapes of each piece in the light fixture, they reminded us of the paper helicopters children make. Together, we concluded the we would make many of the “helicopter” shapes and drop them at once.

This project is a dandelion because in my childhood, my siblings and I would always find dandelions and blow the buds off to make a wish.

Historically, dandelions have been associated with well being, happiness, luck, and health in many different cultures. They are referenced in books and entertainment, for example, in Fahrenheit 451. In this book, the main character, Guy Montag, is told by Clarisse that if he rubs a bloomed dandelion under his chin and no yellow color shows, then he is not in love.

Because the flower has such a positive and hopeful meaning, we decided to make each paper piece of ours have a meaning. We used a very hopeful book on adoption and love to cut one piece for each number of students in Parsons Paris (about 270), representing a well-being wish for each of them.

These are some process photos:


Here is a photo of the final piece:

Video of drop:



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