Selves With Object, Final

Below I inserted a photo of my mounted final project on the board, as well as the digital version.



The overall idea of what my diptych would be was constantly changing throughout this whole process. Although I knew what my avatar would represent almost immediately after starting the project, I had no idea of how I would express this, and in what medium I would use. Sketching out all possible ideas I had regarding my object, the wig, and my avatar self helped significantly in forming a more concrete character for the made up person. I went from thinking of photoshopping two contrasting drawings of individuals (including the wig), to show the difference between the 2. However, after reviewing all of my research and self portraits with the object, I decided to go with actual photos I took of myself. I got most of my inspiration from my past struggles with identity, as well as the self portraits I took during the brainstorming phase. I chose to mirror two different images of my two selves. For the avatar self, I photoshopped myself to resemble that of an alien and gave myself different identities, done through photoshop as well. For my old self, I simply used an untouched photo that showed me looking pensively at my new self. I chose to use rubber cement to paste my photos onto a mat board. After doing this final step of the project, I felt this overwhelming sense of wholeness and acceptance. Being able to visually show the struggles I go through was almost like an alternate form of therapy. Ultimately, I feel that the diptych I created shows my transformation, from the old self to the avatar self, in exactly the way that I understand it.

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