These images are collected based on the idea of Body Politic or the politics of the body. I have thought about the advantages and disadvantages of Body Politic. The System is necessary, but there have been many problems with the System in history and our society. Many discriminations occur by different groups of people. Many weaker countries struggled for independence from stronger countries. For example, the comfort women in Korea. They are still suffering from it.I selected those images to express my ideas. The photo of the traditional Korean dress conveys the basis of my theme. My theme will be narrowed from Body Politic(s) to the comfort women. The sleeves of this dress differ. They are much longer than usual. I feel this alteration shows oppressions or lack of freedom. I also chose other exaggerated sleeves. These are not necessarily showing oppression, but I chose this because I liked the feeling of modern and the shape of the traditional Korean dress at the same time. There is the dress inspired by the religious-mandated dresses. This image is related to my theme, the politics of the body. There are two lapping people in the lower left portion of the frame, and this picture shows the texture of the fabric. In front of the picture of two people, there is a sculpture of a girl. This statue symbolizes a comfort woman in Korea. The image of the bottom center also comfort women in Korea. The lower right corner image is Michelle Obama’s photo. She is a brilliant woman. Her existence can be the politics of the body. The image of birds represents liberty. I decreased the opacity of the pictures and overlapped them. I also considered the perspective of the pictures. It might change, but now I think I will use overlapping transparent fabric and constructive design for my artifact. There is color palette in the upper left of the picture. I will mainly use the neutral colors and add red for point color. Roses express one of the colors of my project, and they represent beauty and adamance like Korean women.