
  • the current news between South and North Korea


  • The recent positive forecasting in the Korean Peninsula if the diplomatic relationships between countries are going well
  • the potential improvements in North Korea’s infrastructure and diverse fields
  • fashion is like a language and it can be a tool to communicate between the divided people in South and North Korea.

Why are you interested in this topic?

  • North Korea can be a crucial place for production and consumption.[1]
  • Geographically, if there is new transportation, then North Korea will have a big potential to transform the various industry.[2]

Where does this interest come from?

  • I heard that one of the most influential investors, Jim Rogers mentioned that he wants to invest in North Korea in the New York Times, Fox News, CNN, etc.[3] He made me think about North Korea can be very an important place for business.
  • As a Korean, I want my country to be unified and I hope many people in South and North Korea can find their lost family.

How might you go about researching your topic?

  • I have researched Korea history because I believe that I should know history to see the present correctly and to assume the future wisely.
  • I also have focused on the current news and diplomatic relationships between not only South and North Korea but also between the United States, China, Russia, and Southeast Asia.[4]
  • Since my topic is about fashion, I will research more about the imagery of the east and the west fashion in order to design my clothing for South, North, and European consumers.
  • I will research on how and why North Korea can be a great manufactory for my business.

How do you plan on incorporating information from the Library Orientation into your project?

  • I learned a lot from the Library Orientation.  There are many visual sources which I liked, and I can find a multitude of the database include current news which I need for my project.  I think that I will request individual meetings with the librarians, and I will ask them to help me until I can find everything by myself.


[1] Patrick M. Cronon and Kristine Lee, “How South Korea’s ‘New Economic Map’ Could Shift Northeast Asia’s Balance of Power,” The Diplomat, February 15, 2019.

[2] “President Moon Proposes Northeast Asian Railway Community Initiative,” Income Inequality in South Korea the Most Severe in Asia: National: News: The Hankyoreh, accessed February 17, 2019, http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_northkorea/857919.html.

[3] He’s Nothing If Not Blunt, “Jim Rogers: I Would Buy North Korea If I Could,” CNNMoney, accessed February 17, 2019, https://money.cnn.com/2015/05/04/investing/jim-rogers-north-korea-russia-china/.

[4] The Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation, accessed February 17, 2019, http://www.bukbang.go.kr/bukbang_en/vision_policy/plan/.





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Blunt, He’s Nothing If Not. “Jim Rogers: I Would Buy North Korea If I Could.” CNNMoney. Accessed February 17, 2019. https://money.cnn.com/2015/05/04/investing/jim-rogers-north-korea-russia-china/.


Cronon, Patrick M. and Lee, Kristine. “How South Korea’s ‘New Economic Map’ Could Shift Northeast Asia’s Balance of Power,” The Diplomat, February 15, 2019.


“President Moon Proposes Northeast Asian Railway Community Initiative.” Income Inequality in South Korea the Most Severe in Asia: National: News: The Hankyoreh. Accessed February 17, 2019. http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_northkorea/857919.html.


The Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation. Accessed February 17, 2019. http://www.bukbang.go.kr/bukbang_en/vision_policy/plan/.




Roh, Jeong-Ho. Korean Photos Assistance. [email]

Don O’Brien, Korea October 1945 to January 1946,  https://www.flickr.com/photos/dok1/sets/72057594053303502/with/88335914/ (accessed Februray 17, 2019).



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