Climate Change Poster

For my climate change poster, I focused on the issue of glaciers in the arctic melting and leading to rise of sea level. For the imagery I created hourglass with a polar bear on the top part on a small glacier and on the bottom, the Earth is being submerged into water. I want this poster to capture people’s attention and make them realized the melting of glaciers doesn’t only affect polar bears but it also affect the whole Earth. Also emphasizing how there aren’t too much time left because the glaciers are melting faster. I found a campaign called Save Our Sea Ice Campaign by Polar Bears International which celebrates action on climate change and focuses attention on the challenges polar bears face. This campaign encourages to communities to take challenges such as thermostat challenge, power down challenge, no idling challenge, and pedal for polar bears challenge. It highlights important dates such as International Polar Bear Day, Earth Day, Arctic Sea Ice Day, and Polar Bear Week.

Link to Save Our Sea Ice Campaign:

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