Reflection on ‘Earth Manual Project’ in the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center


This is such an interesting exhibition!

Many cute designs of the sustainable project are shown in this exhibition. The posters and cards are designs for some convenient invention and some emergency supplies.


some cute dolls for people to practice CPR:

The design that most impressed me is the invention created after the earthquake:

“There’s no place like home.” people who lived there built the model to keep their memories, it makes me feel sad, It is such a beautiful place where holds many people’s memories…

This is the temporary home that Japanese built for living after earthqake in the gym or other public safe

places. They use recycable materials to make the easy frame of a room and keep the privacy by fabrics.



The artwork that made for representing the natural disaster is also very interesting. The artist uses different material to show the moment that natural disaster happened.

This design of the extentable house is very smart, people can still live in the house after disaster happens because of the extendability.

Protecting environment is absolutely important for every huan on this planet. Since some natural disaster happens more and more often these years, we should make useful designs to help ourselves, especially recycable designs. This exhibition shows many effective designs that can help people. As a designer, I hope I can also make something that is able to help the society when meet the troubles from the natural disasters.


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