Reflection Week 9


Reflection on Air pollution is the ‘new tobacco’, warns WHO head

The article shows that air pollution is severely influenced human’s life. If someone in a family is a tobacco lover and smoking every day, the other people in the family are passively smoke, which caused cancer to others. Same thing with air pollution. Every animal including the human, needs air to breathe, to survive. But if the air caused disease, the world will be destroyed, no lives will be remaining on the earth with the highly polluted air. This is a problem that every single human need to responding to. Because our small habit will cause big mistakes. Since air pollution is worse than what we thought, we should quickly make changes in the frequent use of personal transportation, factories producing polluted gas should be limited. We should also use educational ways to propagandize the effects of air pollution on children. The concept of environmental protection should be emphasized to younger generations.

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