Mycelium sculpture


10/17 starting today

I followed the instruction to put the right amount of water, add flour into the kit before cleaning them with alcohol.

Then I close the bag and let it breathe from the white filter.



10/21  the Mycelium turns white and the white part gets harder, I took them out into a big salad bowl after cleaning with alcohol. I add another half of the flour from the kit into the mycelium and mix them for 10 minutes.

Then I put some of them into a water bottle and poked some hole as the final shape.



the mushroom is growing very well (smells wired tho)so I use the knife and a big scissor to cut the water bottle out and the final shape comes out!

I will use this to make “Me and sustainability”, so the continuing post will be in the “Me and sustainability” post.

Thank you!


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