Cai Guo-Qiang. Borrowing Your Enemy’s Arrows. 1998


This piece can be admired in the current MoMA exhibition Scenes for a New Heritage: Contemporary Art from the Collection. The core of the installation is a wooden fisher boat, which the artist found near his studio. He was inspired to create the artwork by an old Chinese legend from the 3rd century: A brilliant strategist, who is fighting against the Chinese army with less powerful forces, deceives his enemy the by leaving behind an unmanned boat, which leads the army into shooting it with their arrows. Later, the strategist and his men use their enemy’s weapons to conquer them.

This piece of art immediately drew my attention due to its magnitude and position. Hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room, it has a very striking effect on the viewer. In addition to that, the arrows penetrating the boat and the waving Chinese flag at the stern cleverly suggest a myth behind this installation. I chose this artwork because of its powerful story. I interpreted it as the might of the mind over violence, which gives the weak the chance to obtain victory over the mighty.

Natalie Komissarova

Hi there. My name is Natalie Komissarova.

Here are a few fun facts about me:

1) I enjoy watching videos about screaming goats.
2) I fail at giving relevant information when it comes to describing myself.