Bridge 1 – Self(ie) as Avatar: past, present and future identity exploration

Final Avatar Selfie


I created avatar characters to express myself as different people in a different timeline. The guy in the picture was a huge fan of Beatles, in the 1970s. This picture he took in the Beatles concert in front of the poster. When he obsessed something, he spends all of his time for what he likes. He grows the mustache and wearing sunglasses like Beatles. This character’s personality is similar to a child. He knows what he wants and what he desires so vividly. Inside of him, he has a strong feeling of what he loved in the past.


This old man with a 2G phone got a critical disease a few years ago. He starts to lose himself. Because of the technology develope quickly, he cannot learn yet. Therefore, he always brings his old pink 2G phone with him. Since he was staying home for a long time alone, he started feeling lonely, so spent days on making dry flowers that he likes. Inside of him, he starts to lose himself.


He is a teenager in the future. He lost him because of social media. It happens to a lot of people in the future. People are hiding behind the social media. Then on social media, they are showing them as a happy person. This man hiding him behind the mask and he fall into the delusion that many people are pointing and looking at him. The flower made by many fingers and many eyes. He completely lost him.


The project was creating the represent past, present, and future with my selfie photo. The first step of this project was taking the picture. Even I can edit the photo later; I want to act myself as the other characteristics of the person to represent the timeline. After I took the pictures, I have to find the connection between them. I wanted to make a connection three of them with the society for each timeline. I want to show, as time goes by people losing themselves and people start to live in the delusion of happiness in the future. Since working on this project, I learn many things from this project. What I learned from this project activity was photoshop skill to create the image and thinking about each different characteristic of people. The most successful about my project was photoshop skills. I did not know how to use the tools before, but now I learn how to use those tools and familiar with them. The challenge I had was making the connection of those images because while I took this photos I thought, I can make connections by acting myself. However, when I arrange those pictures, the picture was not harmonious. Therefore if I did this project again, I would change the theme of the photos. Maybe, I want to tell my stories past, present, and future via pictures next time to express the timeline of myself.

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