Bridge 1 Process Document

The location fo the room that I remember in my memory I vividly remember most of the object. It was on the second floor of my aunt’s house. The floor was carpet and there were four windows on the side of the wall. I had a small Ikea table. The big leather chair I mother bought at the Staples. The opposite side of the wall. I had built in wardrobe. Then wall mirror on next to the closet. I did not have a bed. I used to sleep on the floor since when I was born.

The first memory of the room was unfamiliar. I never had a carpeted floor and painted wall because I used to live on the wooden floor and wallpapers. Also, the height of the ceiling was pretty high. The view for outside was different. , had lots of trees and birds. If I imagine the back in time, the view and the room could be warm and comfortable. However, in the memory of the first time in the United States, everything was new, and I felt a little afraid to start everything fresh. Thus the emotion of the room was depressing, dark, lonely and negative feelings.

Every object that I made by art comes from the feeling of unfamiliar. Besides record and view the object itself, I put my emotions and mood on the object. The most of connection words from unknown was negative feelings.

Unfamiliar- familiar-building-view-window
Unfamiliar- empty time-thinking-emptiness-driving

Nightmare- I choose the pastel paper and acrylic. I thought the nightmare and flower is very similar because one never know what is it what kind of flower before bloom. My meaning of nightmare is the moment that realization came to me when I was dreaming because when you wake up, everything disappears and come to reality. Pastel paper was a perfect paper to describe the flower. Then I like the mood of the acrylic which is vivid and dark.

Brid – I was trying to origami which was my kind of a hobby with paper. Beside using paper, I hope to try to use fabric that upcycles my pants.

Window – I was trying to print out the photo on the blended transparent material. Then crack it. Thus, it shows the view with crack with a black background that shows uncomfortable feelings.

Driving – Cracked mirror and acrylic. I am trying to express the moment glare oneself and the thought together. I express my feelings with colors and the car window as a mirror, but it cracked.

Thoughts – I used a variety thickness of the threads to express the amount of thinking on white paper. Therefore, I can show the thoughts are tangled together.


Working Process


Art Picture








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