
I agree with many things from this video. First of all, we are living surrounded by publicity. That is very important. The narrator said historical oil painting and publicity has lots of, but those two send a different message. Publicity shows what we want, but the oil painting contains what they had. Also, the example of perfume shows vividly about reality and what we want. I agree with lots of aspect of the advertisement what he said on the video. The most interesting quote was without envious glamorous does not exist. It was exciting to the point that without envious there are no advertisement exists. I think it is a very interesting point made the relation between emotion and mood.

I disagree with the magazine. The narrator shows the tension between poverty and advertisement. I think to compare these two is too dynamic differences. Also, he compares the oil painting and advertisement. In my opinion, these two comparison is not correct because even the technology and skill was not developed yet I believe in the history they might have their style advertisement

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