Bridge 3: Process Documentation

From the research, I realize the fast fashion affect environment enormously every fashion season. For Bridge 3, I hope to present six objects with the theme and concept. Also, I hope to include the box as an object. For the project, primary importance was using recycled element. The whole theme of the box is the small size of the recycled art gallery. 

First of all, I create the short and wide scale of the box with the metal piece that I collect from work which was glasses displaying plate. It was originally gray color metal plate by using bolt and nuts to hold the metal piece together as the box. Then, I colored them with acrylic. From the resource that I found from online, the fresh water polluted to by dying method of fabric and it leaked to the ocean. While I was doing the research, I saw one picture that lake color was totally purple. If the caption of the photo did not explain what it was, It might confuse me what that was. Then, I think it is beautiful. Thus, I decide the color with a warm tone to show the relax and scratch them to express the destruction of the environment.

The second object was a pole that nailed on the box. From the resource, fast fashion creates lots of greenhouse gases that become global warming. The pole was also a recycled metal piece.

For express greenhouse gases, I used the flexible wood piece to show the dynamic shape.

The fourth object was small thread rolls. From the research, after the season the garments end to the landfill that abandoned to sea and burned out. For express the textile waste, I decide to use the variety of threads tangles everywhere.

The time goes by the environment polluting getting worse by fast fashion. For the express time, I create paper flower blooming and falling off. The pastel paper, I unicycle from the past project.

The last object  I create knitting swatch by old garments. From the resource, one of the solutions to fast fashion can be recycled and upcycles the garment. To express the solution, I cut the garments thinly and create the knitting swatches with the fabrics.

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