Senior Thesis 2: Week 12– Animations!

Mandemic and Lady Malady over the Vatican


Lady Malady

My Piskel animations (click on them to see them move)! I did a brief gif of Mandemic and Lady Malady over the Vatican, and two individual gifs of Mandemic and Lady Malady (the Lady Malady gif features her ironically saying that humans make her sick, when she herself is a force of disease whose very presence makes even other villains physically ill). I wanted to do two more gifs showcasing the heroes — Sir Galen and Quaranteen — but I didn’t have time. Perhaps, I’ll do the animations later and add them to this post in the future. Animations, even brief ones, take a long time to do! However, I’m proud of my work (as far as fully realizing my ideas).

1 Comment

  1. Maelle · April 3, 2020 Reply

    Looks like you’ve been busy and inspired! I’m happy to see you able to keep making work despite current circumstances. Well done! Let’s discuss all this more in a Zoom next week if you’re able/would like to. If not I can give you more notes by email/video recording.


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