It is placed in Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature. We can see by the name itself that the museum is filled different artworks like the tapestry, paintings, sculptures and not to forget naturalized animals. My selected work when placed in this surrounding gives a feel of an animal with a lot of furs as well. While it doesn’t look like a real animal but it surely achieves to reflect an abstract sculpture of an animal.

After spending quite some time with it, I felt that this looks like a costume which was worn by tribal men. Very similar to Native American Indians.

After spending quite some time with the object, it reminded me of ‘Native American Indians’.

For this project, I decided to take out the animal from the inside of this costume and use a different headgear.  Make it look a little like what Native Americans use to wear.

I also decided to change the surrounding of the object to give it a new narrative.

So finally I decided to make a costume that an actual person would wear in a play showcased in a theater. This is because it is more common, interesting and impactful to see something like this in a play.

In the picture, it looks like an over exaggerate costume mostly seen in a Broadway show. With putting the human inside I also want to make it hold some weapons as shown on this page. These were common weapons used by Native American in their daily lives and it brings more realistic essence to it.

Now after combining everything this object has become a costume and represents a whole line to people and their culture. It represents history.

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