Week 13: Circle Line Trip

  • Compared to what you saw during your Zone Walk, what can you see and sense differently from the boat?

It’s a very different perspective, because we sort of have an outside view of the city, which is different from the zone walk that we are inside as part of it.

  • – Does New York seem prepared for sea-level rise?

I don’t think so. The coastline of the city is very exposed.

  • – What areas appear to be vulnerable to coastal flooding? Are any effects of Hurricane Sandy visible?

Areas with streets and constructions too close to the water. I couldn’t notice any effects of hurricane sandy.

  • – Do you see any evidence of the Big U being constructed?

No, I didn’t notice any evidence of the construction.

  • – Are you able to determine which areas of the coast are built on landfill?

Yes, I’m able to determine some of them.

  • – Do you see any sea walls, reinforcements or marsh areas?

I see some, but there aren’t a lot.

  • – What kind of systems do you see interacting (people, water, boats, etc.)?
  • – How do you think the New York City coastline will change over the next 50 years?

In 50 years from now, hopefully there will be more protection and smart ways to assure the safety of the city.

  • – Reflect on the presentations. What did you learn? Did anything in particular surprise you? Did you enjoy the trip and the perspective offered from the water?

It was a wonderful experience getting to go on this boat trip, it wasn’t just beautiful but very informative, I’m happy that the trip brought me a lot of awareness regarding multiple aspects that  I normally don’t think of, but it definitely affects my everyday life. Simple things like just knowing where what you flush down the toilet goes. It was also very interesting to have this outside perspective of the city, it’s a good way to get out of the environment that you’re analyzing to better analyze it.


Do you feel that the Whitney’s flood mitigation system and building design is as artful/creative as the works of art it protects in the galleries?  Does this article change your idea of what useful/meaningful art and design might become in the age of climate change and the Anthropocene?

The design of this building is not only extremely functional, safe, aware and prepared, for possible issues with flood and natural disasters, but it’s a beautiful building. This article definitely made me think about the design being made in this age, I feel like contemporary design is design that’s aware; of the environment its inserted, of the issues surrounding its existence; and the Whitney is a good example of that.


  1. What is your project idea and why do you want to make it? Describe how this design/object/idea will specifically help YOU (make sure it is designed for you, not someone else, or an anonymous user) be more resilient and navigate environmental change over the next 50 years.

I’m making a piece of tapestry using natural pigments and materials. I’m moving to a new apartment and I don’t have decorations for it yet, so I figured out I could use this project to make some pieces that would be useful to me when I move. I’m trying to make it something that I really like so I can use them for as long as possible.

2) Describe your work plan for the next 2-3 weeks (all project components are due May 2nd).

I have to first do research on sizes to see how much and what materials I’d use. To then select/buy the right materials according to the plans. I’d start the making process from there. It shouldn’t take so long, I want to work with a dip-dye process, I wanna dye  the fabric in a more organic way, so it adds to the natural/sustainable aspect of it

3) How will you source materials?

I have to do research on where to find natural fabric, other than that, I can buy the natural dye kit from the making center.

4) How does your project specifically encourage resiliency or use resilient materials?

The Tapestry could be used in many different ways. I think of it being an “organic”/natural piece, I wanna use natural fabric and dye to make an appealing and organic design aesthetic. So when people know about that, they could get inspired to do the same and to use natural materials too.

5) How will it be repaired?

Since it’s just a big piece of fabric, it could easily be sewn together if it rips.

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