Kevin Beasley Exhibition Response

Manufactured sounds are presented in a room dedicated to the audio. The audio is produced from a working engine sealed within a soundproof glass box with a tube carrying the sound into the mixer in the audio room. The background sound is designed to showcase some of the history of the artist, having grown up in an environment where the engines are present. People speak quietly in this place, usually staying silent to take in the sounds from around them. There are occasionally free conversations occurring. Being in a gallery sealed off from the outside elements, there are no natural ambient noises to contribute to the soundscape. White noise is present, which is the low humming produced by the engine. The people within this space are sitting or lying and taking in the audio. There is no need for creative intervention for this space, as it already gives off enough of a terrifying atmosphere, being a dark shade of blue and constant factory noises as if it was a rundown, abandoned facility void of people.

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