Dress Practice Log Reflection

Overall, the themes that have emerged from my dress practice log were: black against white, cropped tops against tight pants, and patterned tops against plain pants or skirts. The main outcome for my dress practices had more of an emphasis on comfort rather than the aesthetics, and I believe that all of my outfits were built from casual wear. I noticed that I usually wear outfits that were monotone, consisting of mainly black, white, and denim. I usually mix-match those three colors, (black and white; white and blue; black and blue) and I noticed that I tend to wear black and white outfits more, and denim less as often. I also noticed that I wore a lot of cropped tops with tight pants or leggings, and many patterned tops with plain pants or skirts. Moreover, I realized that during my one week of logging my dress practice, I wore sneakers or running shoes during all seven days of my dress practice, and the main reason was also because of the sneakers’ convenience and that they matched with my overall outfits. The dress practice log impacted on my understanding of the relationship between clothing and the body, in that I figured out I mainly dress to make my body look fit and my body’s proportions look elongated, and also dress to make my body feel physically comfortable. For example, I realized that I had chosen to wear cropped tops with leggings in order to make myself appear taller and have longer legs, and to visually stretch out the proportions of my body as I am not very tall in terms of my height.

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