Sarah Lucas at the New Museum – visual research

Sarah Lucus’s exhibition: “Au Naturel “in the New Museum is impressed. She uses different ways to present her works,  sculpture, photos, video and etc. The whole exhibition is about gender and sexuality. Sarah Lucus uses many things from daily life to be the metaphor of a certain part.

After we went to the New Museum to look at Sarah Lucas’s exhibition: Au Naturel, I choose this artwork as my favorite one. This piece ” Au Naturel, 1994″ is one of the most representative artworks of hers. This work is assembled by a bucket, a pair of melons, oranges, a cucumber, and a slumped mattress.

I choose this artwork because of the meaning behind this artwork. The mattress implies the site of sexual assaults. These simple elements– a bucket, melons, a cucumber, and two oranges–can easily relate to genitals. At the same time, you will think about what happened to a man and a woman on a mattress. In her works, she expresses the relationship between sex and power in a way that nobody had done before.

From the museum visit, I learned that many unnoticeable and normal items also can be really powerful in another way. Like this artwork, it combinates these daily items to bring up a stereotype. Also, in this exhibition, I really admire how brave the way Sarah Lucus used to present all her work.

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