Response: Blue Jeans by Fred Davis Response

Quote #1: “A critical feature of this cultural breakthrough is, of course, blue jeans’ identity change from a garment associated exclusively with work (and hard work, at that) to once invested with many of the symbolic attributes of leisure, ease, comfort, casualness, sociability, and the outdoors. (102)

Meaning: Davis is saying the way we identify jeans has changed overtime through generations that does cultural break through. According to him, jeans were only worn for going to work in the past or those who could afford as he says “blue jeans are part of an American dialectic.” But nowadays, jeans have become a leisure and it is the most basic and classic go-to’s today.

I do not agree nor did I know about the values of blue jeans. These days, jeans are everyone go-to’s with a plain top and it will became “OOTD.” Although I wish he mentioned whether blue jeans were the only garment business people or if it had the same values of “suits” back then. Blue jeans were also a symbol of representing successful workers.


Quote #2: “To begin with, considering its origins and longtime associations with workingmen, hard physical labor, the outdoors, and the American West, much of the blue jeans’ fundamental mystique seems to emanate from populist sentiments of democracy, independence, equality, freedom and fraternity. (102)

Meaning: This quote is symbolising what blue jeans meant and its value. It symbolises the image of the working class and it symbolises the people that work on the grounds such as painters and other artist (it is a humbling fabric).

This how the society thought of jeans in the past, but now, jeans has become normalised because everyone wears jeans. It is in high fashion, and every class wears jeans.


Quote #3: “But as we have seen, it does have more to say: about our masculinity or femininity, our youth and age, our sexual scruples or lack thereof, our work and play, our politics, national identity and religion. (107)

Meaning: He is saying that denim somehow represents a powerful masculinity. He is trying to define the meanings behind the blue jeans on a specific age group or etc.

I strongly disagree with that, I do not think it has more to say about our masculinity or femininity. The fabric may be thick and the color may be in a dark scheme toned but any gender were it at any age and we feel the most conformable and confident in it. Blue jeans are even used for red carpet outfits these days. Although I wish he went deeper into specific age groups or how his perspective such as first reaction when he sees those people in blue jeans

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