
3 questions

  • How is Consumerism revealed in our daily life?
  • Is it shared by all people (all class, all system, all age)?
  • What is the future and past of a Consumerism society?

External resources

They Live, John Carpenter, 1988, clip link:

The protagonist got this pair of sunglasses which alters the visual world he perceives. As a scifi movie, it creates a grotesque feeling for the audience, but at the same time, it reveals the purpose and reality of all the content around us. It is also related to my point that we are so immersed in this environment while not ever noticing it, so we gradually integrate and become part of it.

Popular culture

Youtube 5 sec ads

I’m sure everyone in the US has experienced this. What do you think when you see this count down “will begin in 5”?

What do you think when you see the “Up Next” on the bottom right? That’s a trick 😉 You don’t think. You just stare at the decreasing number and do nothing.  I believe that’s the same with shopping. The products are not only our daily life, they are our identity.

Cultural artifacts

What I concern is that in the major part of society are all affected by the idea of product. Consumerism become omnipotent (capital is power), omniscience (entertainment-ized, product-ized culture and education), omnipresence (obvious).


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