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Theme Selection – Musuem Research

Rough Draft Theme Proposal:

Broad Theme:

Social Embodiment (Social Conduct, Antipathy Toward Fashion, Pop Culture/ Media/ Social Media)


This topic is important and inspiring to me because it encompasses so much and I feel like I could explore many different facets of our culture through this lens. Social media has been able to shape our ideas on gender, race, social status, and politics and it is inspiring to me to explore that. I also have an underlying interest in religion and I feel like I could explore that at the same time through this topic. Last semester, I explored the idea of perception in my Integrative Studio and Seminar classes through the study of avatars. At its core, there are two very distinct types of Avatars, the ones found online as icons and representations of peoples profiles, and the avatars in Buddhist and Hindu cultures. Last semester, I initially expressed my interest in the topic by writing:

“Avatars can be found throughout the world. They have religious connotations but are also found online as the picture we use to represent ourselves. In Buddhism and Hinduism, avatars are the physical embodiment of gods/deities that represent a certain aspect of nature or the beyond. Western culture sanctifies online personas just as much as Buddhists or Hindus sanctify their gods by creating Avatars.

When comparing the two very different kinds of avatars, I found that there are many similarities between institutionalized religion and internet culture. Both have a large following, are turned to when in need, and are trusted when searching for comfort, answers, and a sense of community. Both the internet and religion create a subculture that people are devoted to and hold sacred.

I am very interested in the study of internet culture and religion because I believe that in many ways, the internet has become a new religion. There has been a shift in our culture from being religious to being more scientific and technology driven. More millennials now are identifying themselves as atheists, or “spiritual” rather than “religious”.”

These ideas still interest me and I want to dive deeper into the nuances of our culture. With social media being such an integral part of our lives, perception has become extremely important, similar to the ways of the 1950’s. Just as many people back then sought to be seen as the perfect, “Nuclear family”, people today seek a similar fantasy but this time it is rooted in the aspiration to be unique and different.

I want to learn more about my generations social behaviors and how we see ourselves versus how other older generations view us. As a designer, pop culture has always heavily influenced me, so I want to pull from that and critique it. I want to incorporate these ideas into a medium that is so widely loved and understood. Fashion impacts everyone whether they are interested or not, the fashion industry is able to change perception and shape the future.


Research Questions:

  1. What relationship do young adults have with media (not social media specifically)? What are the pros and cons of this kind of interaction?
  2. What role does social media have in other countries? How does censorship play a role in perception and identity?
  3. How has social media changed traditions and cultural customs?
  4. Is social media the great equalizer? Is it the first step towards racial, gender, and economic equality? Or is it doing the opposite?


Revised Topic Proposal:

I believe that internet culture has become the new religion. I want to explore the relationship between internet culture, cult fashion, and organized religion. I am very interested in the study of internet culture and religion because I believe that in many ways, the internet has become a new religion. There has been a shift in our culture from being religious to being more scientific and technology driven. Many millennials have chosen to disassociate themselves from organized religious groups and have now found greater meaning and a sense of community online through social media. I want to explore sacredness, obsession, rituals, tradition, and cultural iconography in my research in order to better understand the similarities and differences between the internet and religion. This is a very poignant topic in today’s social climate because just like in history, people turned to religion in times of stress and political strain and today people are turning to social media.

Research Questions:

  • What relationship do young adults have with media (not social media specifically)? What are the pros and cons of this kind of interaction?
  • What role does social media have in other countries? How does censorship play a role in perception and identity?
  • How has social media changed traditions and cultural customs?
  • What kind of relationship do depression and internet use have?
  • Is social media the great equalizer? Is it the first step towards racial, gender, and economic equality? Or is it doing the opposite?


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