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Girl Innovators Week 6

Girl Innovators Week 6

1. What is this mythic significance of the parents consuming food in an unknown place? (Think Persephone in Hades)... The…
Girl Innovators Week 5

Girl Innovators Week 5

1. What is breakthrough and change-making about these speeches? 11-year-old Naomi Wadler is the perfect representation of the faith I…
Girl Innovators: Week 2

Girl Innovators: Week 2

Response to "These Teen Girls Are Fighting for a More Just Future" https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/style/teen-girls-black-lives-matter-activism.html 1. How has the recent Black Lives…

What is fashion follow up

The fashion industry is a complex and ever-changing multi-level system that affects millions of people throughout the world. However, fashion…

Dress Practice Interview

  After talking to entrepreneur and fashion blogger Marci Mason about her dress practices I have come to understand the…
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