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Girl Innovators: Week 4


Ruth Bader Ginsburg… a presence and stature that goes far beyond her 5’1″ frame. Even when she was told she was small and the men in her field belittled her and her accomplishments, RBG took up space. She filled the room with her presence and her opinion and was recognized for it around the world. A woman that seemingly did it all; a warrior, pioneer, leader, loving mother, and wife, RBG fought for the futures of all women and girls and opened the doors for so many along the way.

Not shy of embracing her femininity, RBG’s collars became a staple and proved that femininity and fashion actually does have a place in the workspace and in Washington.

Famously stated that “Women belong in all spaces where decisions are being made” she ensured that women were given the opportunity to do whatever they please.

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