Integrative Studio 1: Memory – Bridge Project #4 Reflection


Memories upon memories can be conjured up on the top of Christmas twist.  The final few days before Christmas in Spokane, Washington with Grandmother, Sophie, and mom in the kitchen prepping Christmas cookies and Christmas twist.  Granddad would be siting in his den on his lazy boy watching the news. My sister and I began helping with Christmas twist when we were so little that all we could do was “help” braid the bread and pour the icing.  As we grew so did our roles in baking the twist. Sophie and I each had our own little special time with Grandmother as a part of making the recipe. Sophie would usually help with the measuring of ingredients and prep due to her meticulousness.  I myself on the other hand have always appreciated getting my hands in there and kneading the dough. When you first knead into the freshly risen dough it is light and fluffy but eventually becomes more sticky and stretchy. I’ve been known to enjoy making a mess in creating something so sprinkling flour everywhere was quite an enjoyable time for the younger version of myself.

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